Offentligt uppköpserbjudande till aktieägarna i Nordic Paper Holding AB (publ).
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Du önskar få tillgång till en hemsida innehållandes information och dokument hänförliga till Coniferous Bidco AB ("Coniferous Bidco") offentliga kontanterbjudande till aktieägarna i Nordic Paper Holding AB ("Nordic Paper") ("Erbjudandet").
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Due to legal restrictions, the information on this part of the website is not intended for, or accessible to, certain persons.
You wish to enter the website which Coniferous Bidco AB ("Coniferous Bidco") has designated for the publication of documents and information in connection with Coniferous Bidco's public cash offer to the shareholders of Nordic Paper Holding AB ("Nordic Paper") (the "Offer").
In order to access further information in connection with the Offer, visitors of this website are requested to provide the following information:
Specify the country you are currently physically present in, in the list above.